Now Accepting 2024 Puppy Applications for a Limited Time Only.
Chase x Lily
Planned for Early 2024
GCH Flying Ears Thrill of the Hunt
Breeder: Sue Aldene
Owners: Laurie Gott & Sue Aldene
D.O.B: June 17, 2013
DNA: FVII Carrier, NCDD/MLS, Lafora, PRA N/N
Hips: Good
Thyroid: Normal
Heart: Normal
Eyes: Normal
Colour: Carrier for Bi Colour
Why we chose Chase
Given Lily's Pedigree
From my years of watching him and his kids it is clear he throws fantastic movement and gave me my best moving dog in my backyard - his daughter Eloise. He is not a large dog and has produced many 13" Beagles in his years, he throws rock solid toplines, showmanship and wonderful shoulders which come down from his dam Phoenix (BISS GCH Shadynook's You Lite Up My Life) - one of my favourite bitches of all time.
Rory was a stud who I believe could offer Lily what she could use and she offers him traits which compliment the phenotypical breeding. Traits such as a soft, pleading expressing, beautiful rear angluation in a package that could also move and was true to our standard.
While outcrossing with a linebred bitch it is always a wild card, however, my gut feeling was he was the one to give the job to. Lily's breeder Bev was able to see his daughter Eloise take BISS at the Western Beagle Club Regional and appreciated the qualities Rory contributed to.

CH Waskasoo's Victory Dance
Breeder/Owner: Bev Davies
D.O.B: January 9, 2021
Hips: Good
Eyes: Normal
Heart: Normal
Colour: Black Tri Dominant
My Goals for this Pairing:
Having had Lily in my home, her sweet personality is unmatched. She is a wonderful pack dog with not a single mean bone in her body. It was important to us that her temperament was honoured with the hope of adding in showmanship that Rory himself has and has given many times to his sons and daughters.
I have wanted for years to incorporate the dogs in Lily's pedigree into my young program. Both Daragoj Heaven on Earth and Daragoj Crystal Rain are two Sire's I have admired since my early years in Beagles
I also have to give credit to Rory for giving my program the best piece of movement I have in my yard. Eloise is a huge leap towards my goal for movement in my program and while Rory is getting up in years, it only made sense to attempt to grab one more piece of him. My hope with this pairing would be to see that effortless movement come through again with more influence from Lily's side style wise to clean up expression and other areas that I feel Eloise needed improving on.
I'm beyond grateful to work with a fellow Canadian breeder who has done a lot for our breed and is someone I respect immensely. Thank you Bev for entrusting me with this very special girl for her first breeding and I keep my fingers and toes crossed that this clicks and our vision takes shape.

Future Litters
There is always something in the works at FoxFire. Typically breedings that are announced are ones happening within the near future but that doesn't mean there are other special ones waiting to be announced as well. Be sure to check back regularly or follow us on Instagram to catch the early announcements.
It's Never Too Early To Reach Out!
As my waitlist fills up quick, it is never too early to contact me in regards to future opportunities of purchasing a puppy. The more I get to know my future homes, the more I feel both comfortable and excited about placing puppies. Even if you don't expect to be able to add a Beagle for another two years or so, I cannot stress how important it is to reach out as soon as you can as most reputable breeders puppies are spoken for before they are even born and waiting last minute can be proven to be a challenge.
Helpful Links
Research the Breed
Make sure you're prepared for the pros and cons of owning a Beagle.
Our FAQ and Are They For You page are a great start in your research
Future Interested Puppy Owners
For those looking to add a FoxFire Beagle to their home and are looking for the steps to begin the journey to add one of our puppies, please find the process below:
Get on the Waitlist
After researching, fill out a Puppy Application or contact me telling me about yourself and what you're looking for. Approved homes will be Waitlisted
Stay in Touch!
Do not expect a puppy right away
as these things take time but I encourage those on my waitlist to keep in touch through email, text or FB